I Miss my blog & Followers!

I would like to apologize for not writing those past couple of days! My phone is just suffering these days; it’s struggling to live! 😀
I’ll try to post from now on from my laptop, till my cellphone is back again 😀
And I’d love to thank you for for understanding 🙂
With much appreciation, wait for my upcoming posts 😉



Well, when I was young, they taught me that alone is an adjective that is used to describe your state when there is no one beside you. But when I grew up, life taught me that alone is way different than the meaning I kept in my mind.
Alone is that feeling that strikes me even when I’m surrounded by many!
In fact, I’m that kind of people who hates to be “alone”. I really do. It’s also relfected on my personality, I always feel empathy for those who have no friends even before I had experienced that feeling. I always wish I would just go & tell them “Don’t be alone, be my friend!”. I know that is insane but yes I don’t like that feeling. I think if I did so then I would have a million of friends then!
It’s more harsh when you have these pure feelings and you don’t have true friends around you. I don’t intend to praise myself but let’s burst it logically, isn’t it the ugly truth?
Whenever I meet new people, they just tell me how good person I’m but eventually it all ends with goodbyes, hard ones!
If you see me a good friend then why you just stab my back and leave!
Anyways, I believe I will always have lessons more than friends and that’s okay with me! Life is lessons we learn throughout our lives, as long as we breathe!