
Hello Everyone! Well, I’m so excited guys to share with you this post. Why? Simply cause I have been thinking of writing such post weeeeeeeeeeeeeeks ago!! But I guess now is the dua time to do so!
I have been learning KOREAN recently! YEAH! Exciting, isn’t it *CAT FACE*
Well, it may not seem that exciting if you’re not interested in Korean dramas or songs! I can say that kDramas made me eager to learn how to speak & read Korean even to write it as well.
So I took this challenge. It’s a challenge to me since I’m a native Egyptian girl whose mother tongue is Arabic!!
Let me clear it more, I’m learning korean online and never made it to courses! Why I’m doing so? Well, beside it’s fun, I have that passion to learn new languages such as Korean.
I have also decided to post the upcoming days, about how I had that decision of learning, what are my sources & how to enhance your learning.
If you are interested, then also wait for a simple dailogue I’ll make in korean πŸ˜‰
Thanks all for your reading, Let me know how do you guys think of that ?

I Miss my blog & Followers!

I would like to apologize for not writing those past couple of days! My phone is just suffering these days; it’s struggling to live! πŸ˜€
I’ll try to post from now on from my laptop, till my cellphone is back again πŸ˜€
And I’d love to thank you for for understanding πŸ™‚
With much appreciation, wait for my upcoming posts πŸ˜‰

Double Faced!

For sure, all of us had those double faced people in their life. Maybe they weren’t that close but you just had been unlucky to know them!
But the question here, what if I’m was one of those double faced people?!!
Sometimes, I just keep asking myself ” Is being nice to someone who shows hatred to me makes me a double faced person?” I mean if you got someone who you are deeply aware and sure that he or she doesn’t like you and always wants you to be hated by everyone and you just not give them back hatred, on the contrast you give them respect. Is this called Double faced? NOOOO! Cause this is called being mature enough to handle your life and the people in it! Whenever you hear the ” People in your life” just remember that we never ever choose them. It’s just like you not choosing your parents! They are there to teach you lessons and you are there in their lives to teach them what is life truely about!
Don’t change! Be ALWAYS GOOD whether to those who pay back to you with love & respect or those who are just there to make your life more tough!
Tough is not always for wood! There are some kind of materials that are tough yet flexible & that is so like you! πŸ˜‰
Being good to bad people isn’t double faced, it’s double faith! Faith in God who wants you to be a good person & faith in yourself that you are a good person! πŸ™‚

Special OFFER!

To my followers on WordPress I offer you a follow back on wattpad! My Username is OlaAdel95. And if you don’t have an account there, then what are you waiting for! Sign up, it’s free! πŸ˜€ I assure you i’ll follow you back then.

All you have to do is:

  • Sign up, if you don’t have an account on wattpad
  • Follow me
  • DM that you’re “Your blog name on WordPress”
  • Read, vote, comment on my works!
  • I’ll follow back& if you are intending to write your own stories, I’ll be very supportive! I’ll read them & Vote!

    And if you’re not ready now to sign up, then here’s my first story’s link & you may change your mind & create your own account and stories ;)!
    Isn’t that great! Come on! Don’t waste time! I’m waiting *Cat Face*

    Thank you very much my followers & Have a great day πŸ˜‰

Friendship or a lie?

Well, this is my first trial to write poetry! So, it would mean alot if i knew your opinions & thoughts. Be kind & Support me πŸ˜€

I thought they were friends of mine,
I did put my expectations so high!
It was once said that true friendship would never die
Wasn’t it true or Was it I?

No blame on self nor on them & no more cry!
Life teaches us that harsh truth is better than white lies!
Friendship should be build on stronger ties!
Not only common things and alot of Hi-s
Yeah it’s never easy to say Goodbyes
But it’s still better than a friendship built on lies
See with your mind and not heart and eyes
They lose, you win, there is no tie!

So? Should i continue writing other poems! *Cat Face*. Thanks for your help. Don’t forget to reblog & like the post & If you’re not a follower, then what are you waiting for PRESS FOLLOW πŸ˜‰ 

WARNING : Memory needs to be RECOVERED!

All of us have those centers in our brain that are responsible for memories! They aren’t specified to good neither bad memories. They just save them.
Memories are moments created by us. We live them, feel them but once they are memories we may lose the fun of these moments. But still “Fun may end but its memory won’t”!

So, we have to recover our own memories by ourselves! Yes we should do that! It’s simple it is just like you studied a paragraph and you saved it in your memory & to do it well on exam, you have to revise it more than once.
If photos are what’s going to recover your memories, then just do it! Bring these photos, talk to them about how this picture captured a great moment & how good you felt then when it was taken.

Talk to your reflected image on the mirror & tell it about the great moments that you would never forget or at least you’re afraid to forget them and you are trying your best to keep them!
You should also recover your bad memories to get over them & as well figure how they made the STRONGE YOU now!
Memories aren’t just captured moments in photos or even in your brain! They are precious pieces of art curved in your heart!
Gather your family,your friends and even your pets! and talk about your memories and don’t let days control these memories and try to delete them, as many studies have proved that time washes away what’s good before what’s bad!


Now, by reading this , I hope you have created a memory of optimism & determination to recover your precious gift “memories” frequenlty! & Don’t forget to create beautiful memories