WARNING : Memory needs to be RECOVERED!

All of us have those centers in our brain that are responsible for memories! They aren’t specified to good neither bad memories. They just save them.
Memories are moments created by us. We live them, feel them but once they are memories we may lose the fun of these moments. But still “Fun may end but its memory won’t”!

So, we have to recover our own memories by ourselves! Yes we should do that! It’s simple it is just like you studied a paragraph and you saved it in your memory & to do it well on exam, you have to revise it more than once.
If photos are what’s going to recover your memories, then just do it! Bring these photos, talk to them about how this picture captured a great moment & how good you felt then when it was taken.

Talk to your reflected image on the mirror & tell it about the great moments that you would never forget or at least you’re afraid to forget them and you are trying your best to keep them!
You should also recover your bad memories to get over them & as well figure how they made the STRONGE YOU now!
Memories aren’t just captured moments in photos or even in your brain! They are precious pieces of art curved in your heart!
Gather your family,your friends and even your pets! and talk about your memories and don’t let days control these memories and try to delete them, as many studies have proved that time washes away what’s good before what’s bad!


Now, by reading this , I hope you have created a memory of optimism & determination to recover your precious gift “memories” frequenlty! & Don’t forget to create beautiful memories

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